The Krieghoff Challenge

Shoot-Off and win a
K-80 Trap Special!
Krieghoff International along with Allem’s Guncraft have graciously donated a K-80 Trap Special Combo and Custom Embroidered Case. This challenge is open to all eligible shooters who participate in the Krieghoff Handicap event at the Pennsylvania State Shoot.
Event Rules
Shooters must participate in, and complete the event. Entrants must meet all target requirements for the State Shoot, as stated in the program, prior to entry for Event 19. Shooters assigned “Penalty Yardage” for this event will be eligible. Shooters who choose to shoot “TARGETS ONLY” are not eligible.
Upon completion of the event, PSSA representatives will publicly and randomly select TWO numbers from zero to nine. The drawing will be held in the PSSA main building. Unduly delayed make-ups will be disqualified from participating in the promotion for that event.
Be sure to check your scores promptly. For purposes of these promotions, no score will be changed after the numbers are drawn.
Eligible shooters with a score from this event, ending in the number selected will be eligible for the shoot-off.
For example: If the number 2 (two) is drawn, all qualifying participants with a score of 92,82,72,62, etc are eligible to compete in the shoot-off.
A time and place for qualifying shooters to register for the shoot-off will be announced over the PA system, posted on the Scoreboard and carried over the TV system. You will be given 3 calls for ​check-in or forfeit eligibility to shoot-off.
At the appropriate time and place, all shooters who have signed up to shoot-off will be called to the shoot-off line and should have their guns and shells ready. Shoot-off participants will be assigned to squads based upon their yardage, and at the discretion of Shoot-Off Management.
Shoot-off participants will proceed to shoot 2 (two) targets at each post for a total of 10 (ten) targets from their ATA yardage shot during the event. Shoot-off rounds will continue until a single winner has been determined.
Decisions made by Shoot Management regarding the above listed rules, or other disputes, shall be final. All decisions will be made in conformity with ATA rules, where applicable.